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This page contains the essentials to help you make a thoughtful, informed decision about purchasing capital shares!

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Document package

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Transaction description

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Matchful pitchdeck

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Video presentation

and a description of the next steps.

In the meantime, you will also receive all this information by e-mail within 15 minutes!

Congratulations on Your Interest in Learning More and Exploring the Opportunity to Acquire Matchful Shares



  1. Matchful PDF presentation (pitch deck)

  2. Business plan

  3. Description of the deal

Matchful video presentation

Apply for a talk by choosing the most convenient time for a Zoom call.

We'll address all of your questions!

A face-to-face meeting is also possible at the Matchful office in the Business Center "UNITY" (Vienības gatve 109, Riga, Latvia).

Email on arranging face-to-face meeting:

You are already on the right path! :)

See you soon!

World's first partner application.

Open for parternship. Now.

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