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World's first partner application.

Open for partnership. Now.

  Matchful company shares are currently available!

7 reasons to buy shares!

The world's first

A yet non-existent solution - a partner application, that guarantees to offer the most suitable partner for personal life, business or society, according to each individual's needs and psychotype.

Huge market demand

Matchful's market research indicates huge demand and an unfilled niche.

Is needed by
2,7 billion online


Huge market demand and unfilled niche.

Billion euro value potential.

Personality knowledge "Trend"
There is a rapidly growing interest in personality knowledge and the desire to know oneself. We plan to position ourselves as experts and become leading opinion leaders in this field.

A unique algorithm

Matchful boasts an innovative algorithm that uses personality and ancient sciences to provide accurate and personalized match recommendations.

Centuries of proven knowledge
The knowledge used in the application algorithm has proven its effectiveness for centuries. Matchful brings them together in one easy-to-use environment, accessible for daily use.

Experienced team
Matchful is developed by an experienced team of experts from various fields. From company management, technological development to marketing professionals.

* those interested in purchasing capital shares have the opportunity to meet the team personally.

Business Plan

1st year

Active users



2,8 mil. EUR


220'000 EUR

3rd year


8,9 mil. EUR

3,9 mil. EUR

Within three years, the business plan envisages an increase in the value of the share up to EUR 3,000 and more.

It is planned to sell the company shares to a strategic buyer within 3 to 5 years, providing early share holders with exit options.

The number of company shares is limited.

The full version of the business plan is available upon request! Click here!

Current applications and services create a lot of disappointed, dissatisfied and insecure people who get confused and turn away from building relationships in the digital environment.

It is impossible for entrepreneurs to effectively find psychologically compatible partners or employees.

Seeing this unfilled market niche and increasing demand for personalized services, we have created a solution.

Matchful. An application that guarantees to offer the most suitable partner for personal life, business or society, according to each individual's needs and psychotype.​


The result is achieved using a unique algorithm that blends personality and ancient sciences.

​With Matchful you will find the right people to achieve your goals!


About Matchful

Compatibility for all areas of life
The most suitable partner for business, hobbies and romantic relationships.

Innovative algorithm

A unique algorithm of personality and ancient sciences.

AI assistant
An artificial intelligence assistant promotes mutual communication between users and provides a deeper understanding of personality.

Internationally patented and trademarked.  


User verification for full service and reduction of fake accounts.


We guarantee successful compatibility for application users.

Click the button below, if

you want to be a part of Matchful's
potential success story!

Matchful has concluded on 11.05.2023 contract no. SKV-L-2023/283 with the Investment and Development Agency of Latvia for receiving support within the framework of the "Promotion of International Competitiveness" measure, which is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund.

  • Kādēļ tiek izteikts šāds piedāvājums?
    Kā Latvijā izstrādātam produktam, Matchful komanda vēlas dot iespēju tieši vietējiem investoriem piedalīties nākamā vienradža tapšanā.
  • Kā notiek kapitāldaļu iegādes process?
    Tiek parakstīts līgums, aizpildīti visi nepieciešamie dokumenti un tiek iesniegta reģistrācija LR Uzņēmumu reģistrā.
  • Cik kapitāldaļas maksimāli varu iegādāties?
    Šobrīd kopā ir pieejamas 2000 kapitāldaļas. Kapitāldaļu skaits ir ierobežots. Sazināsimies ar jums, un sniegsim detalizētu atbildi uz šiem un citiem jautājumiem.
  • Vai šāda kapitāldaļu iegāde ir droša un legāla?
    Jā, tā ir pilnīgi legāla un droša. Viss process tiek veikts caur notariāli apstiprinātiem dokumentiem un iesniegts Latvijas Uzņēmu reģistrā.
  • Cik ilgs ir kapitāldaļu iegādes process?
    Atkarībā no pircēja profila, iegādes process ir sākot no 3 dienām.
  • Kā es varēšu pārliecināties, ka man patiešām pieder iegādātās kapitāldaļas?
    Visi kapitāldaļu turētāji ir publiski redzami Latvijas Uzņēmu reģistrā.
  • Vai es varēšu tirgot man piederošās kapitāldaļas?
    Jā, Matchful daļas ir iespēja tirgot jebkuram interesējošam pircējam.

Frequently Asked Questions

World's first partner application.

Open for partnership. Now.

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